Home Page

Year 2

2024- 2025

Welcome to Year 2!


Hello and welcome to our Year 2 page. We have two classes; Violet and Indigo. Mrs Heywood and Miss Kidd are our teachers and there are lots of Teaching Assistants that work with us too!


Important information

PE days for both Year 2 classes are Monday and Tuesday. Please come into school in the correct PE kit on these days.

This includes: 

  • T-shirt for PE: preferably white
  • Shorts / jogging bottoms for PE: preferably of a dark colour
  • Trainers for outdoor use
  • Long hair to be tied back
  • If ears are pierced, ideally earrings should be removed before coming to school on PE days. However, we understand this isn't always possible. If they can't be removed then only studs should be worn. They should be covered before school with microporous tape. If they aren't covered then the class teacher will provide tape for the child to apply themselves.


To find out more about the PSHE we teach in school and we topics we cover in this year group, please follow the link below.

Spring 2 'Japan'

Our next topic we will be learning all about Japan. We will be immersing ourselves in the Japanese culture, learning lots of information and facts about the country. We will even be tasting some sushi! The children will be learning about the landscape and climate of Japan and comparing it to the UK. We will be learning the 7 continents and the names of the 5 oceans. 


Spring 2 newsletter

Spring 1 

'Great Explorers'

This half term we will be learning about great explorers of the past and present. We will be learning about Matthew Henson, Neil Armstrong and Felicity Aston. We will be learning about how and why these individuals were significant and commemorated. We will also be looking at how they have been remembered during different periods of history. We will be learning about Katherine Johnson as part of space exploration. 

In DT we will be designing, sewing and evaluating our very own dry bag for an explorer. We will be linking our knowledge of explorers and materials, with a key element being waterproof and flexible. 

In English we will be reading and enjoying the book 'Traction Man is here!' We will be writing our own sequel to this book. In Maths we will be learning our 2, 5 and 10 times table and related division facts. 

Spring 1 newsletter

Spring 1

Autumn 2

'Once upon a time'


Welcome back to our second half term! Our topic this term is called, 'Once upon a time'. We will be looking at traditional tales, with a focus on Little Red Riding Hood. We will be retelling the beginning part of the story but writing our own twisted version of the ending! We will be reading lots of other traditional tales and twisted versions. 

Autumn 2 newsletter

Please read the Autumn 2 newsletter as it has lots of key information and dates on it. 

Useful links 


Here are some links to some online resources. 


The first is an online tool for Maths resources, the most useful will be the counters, Rekenrek and the place value chart. 

Online Maths tool

Maths game: Cat Karate

Autumn 1 Newsletter

Our first topic this year is

My Home 


We will be learning all about our local area. We will look at local landmarks, human and physical features and even create our own maps of the local area. As well as this, we will be learning all about our local history. James and Sarah Oakes were very important people to Riddings in the 1800s. They owned local mines and iron works; earning lots of money.  We will discover that they were responsible for building the windmills that are now the emblem on our school jumper.  Did you know they were called James and Sarah after the Oakes family?  We will be going for a walk around Riddings, spotting important places, which will give us clues about the history of the Oakes family. 

Meerkat Mail


Most of our work in English this term will be about a meerkat called Sunny.  He goes on an adventure to try and find the perfect home.  

We are going to write letters from Sunny back to the Meerkat Mob in the Kalahari Desert telling him all about his stay in Riddings. 




We will be learning a lot about Place Value this term, looking at the value of each digit in a 2-digit number. 

We will be using lots of different resources to help us including Place Value grids, tens and ones counters, dice, part-part-whole models and arrow cards. 

We will learn how to partition numbers into tens and ones and other ways and compare numbers using the greater than and less than symbols.



The Colour Monster


We read a book all about our emotions called 'The Colour Monster'.  We learnt that we all feel these emotions at different times and that's ok.  We also learnt that it's important to talk about how we're feeling with people that we trust.



Below are some links to great websites with games and activities you can do at home. We've also attached the Maths homework and Year 1 and 2 common exception words that your child needs to be able to read and spell by the end of Year 2. 


These are the common exception words that your child needs to be able to read and spell by the end of Year 2

Suggested daily maths activities to carry out with your child
