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Be amazing today, be kind, believe in yourself, anything is possible, never give up.

National Clean Air Day 20th June 2024

The road outside the Infant and Junior school was closed during dropping off and pick-up times on Thursday to coincide with the national Clean Air Day. The Derbyshire County Council trial was also aimed at cutting traffic congestion at the start and end of the school day.

Chris Henning from Derbyshire County Council said: “We’re pleased to see the schools trialling this scheme and the results will be of keen interest to us in informing future policy."

We are so happy to say that the day was really successful. The children were amazed by the emptiness of the roads. Our roads are very busy and very narrow, so to have no cars on it has been brilliant for the clean air day as well as the road safety aspect too.

Thank you to all our lovely parents / carers for your support.

Attendance rewards May 2024

Jungle Jo visited Year 1

Big Spring Tidy up


Thank you so much to everyone who attended the event and gave up time to help us in school. I am sure you will agree your efforts did not go unnoticed.

Bikeability 2024

Reception Scooter Smart 2024

Cricket coaching - Friday 15th March 2024

We had a great learning about and practicing our cricket skills on Friday. 

National Science week - 11th March 2024

On Science week the focus this year was on time- we explore different activities across school and even had a home learning challenge to create our own Sand timers...

Red Nose Day - Friday 15th March 2024

On Red Nose Day for comic relief we all dressed in our school colour red and brought a joke into school. We had lots of giggles throughout the day!


Why are fish so smart? Because they live in schools!


World Book Day - 7th March 2024

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, we had a a whole school assembly and created our own Helicopter Story. We thought of characters, settings, events, and even a happy ending. Then we made the adults act it out for us. 

We all dressed up and brought a box into school created in our imagination and then brought to life!

EYFS Fairy tales workshop - Friday 14th February

At the end of our traditional tales topic we enjoyed a fun workshop all about Traditional Tales. We joined in with acting out some of our favourite stories together...

Number Day - Friday 2nd February 2024

On National number day all the grown ups and children dressed up in numbers. We had a day dedicated to lots of maths activities throughout school!

Road Safety workshops

We had a visit from the Road Safety Team and learnt some important rules for being safe when we walk on the pavement and when we cross the road.

Balance bikes - Nursery

Check out our nursery children taking part in our balance bike sessions, these form part of our Travel Smart award. We are going for Platinum status this year.

An arctic explorer came to visit

We were so lucky to have Polar Preet come to visit our school and talk to us about her adventures. Check out the Y1 class pages for more photos!

Safer Internet Day 2024:


As part of our Computing curriculum we celebrated Safer Internet Day this year across school. This was also enhanced by a visit from One Day Creative for our Key Stage One classes. In this 'Into the Screen' workshop the children explored online safety through traditional tales such as Red Riding Hood. They all learnt an important message about what to do if something that you do not like happens online:

STOP (playing the game or looking at the site), LEAVE (your device), TELL (a trusted adult).

Yorkshire Wildlife Park - Friday 26th January

What an amazing day Y1 had at YWP learning all about Polar Bears linked to their class learning.

Panto season - EYFS

In the EYFS we had an exciting show 'The Search for Santa'. What a great live performance.


Santa came to school!

The whole school enjoyed a visit from Santa in our magical grotto Christmas Party Day!


Panto season.

We visited Mansfield Theatre to watch Beauty and the Beast in panto, it was amazing! November 2023.


Bedtime Read 15th / 16th November 2023

We snuggled up in our PJs and had some yummy hot chocolate whilst listening to stories with our grown ups. What a super night, thank you so much for coming. We love reading at Riddings Infant and Nursery School.

Anti-bullying week 13th-17th November 2023

What an amazing week we had during our 'Friendship and Anti-bullying week'. During the week the children took part in assemblies and other activities to promote healthy and positive relationships. We talked to the children about bullying and what they think they should do if they are being bullied. As part of this work children were asked to name their trusted 5, complete a kindness challenge and make 'how we stay safe' balloons for across our school community; amongst lots of stories and assemblies related to friendship.

The safeguarding squad updated our Anti-bullying leaflet and delivered a friendship assembly to the rest of the school.

Bikeability Y2 - 9th-10th November 2023

Each year we run Bikeability sessions for our Y2 children, learning how to ride and stay safe on their bikes.


Nursery Balance bikes - 26th October 2023

We have completed a balance bike workshop. We practised our balancing skills on stepping stones and a bench. We also played some games to improve our balancing. We then got to use the balance bikes and were shown how to balance, glide and use the bikes safely.

EYFS Derby Open Centre Visit - 25th October 2023

We really enjoyed a visit from the Open Centre to explore Asian marriage ceremonies. The children learnt about how the ceremonies are celebrated including an opportunity to wear some of the clothing, learning some dance moves and having henna designs added to their hands.

Travel Smart week


Our Travel Smart week took place on October 16th 2023. This is where we encourage children to make the most of their school journey as a way to help them keep fit, beat traffic jams and pollution, as well making sure they remember to travel safely too. Helping us work towards our Travel Smart Platinum award!

What an amazing turn out to our walk to school and happy shoe day!



Thank you so much to our school community for Supporting Hello Yellow day in school - 10th October 2023. We continue to talk to the children about wellbeing, worries and feelings. We can all feel tricky emotions sometimes; like being nervous or worried, but it is important to share these emotions with a grown up or a friend so they can help.

Yellow signifies happiness and sunshine and there has certainly been lots of this in school today!

Y2 Local walk - Thursday 28th September


Our Y2 children went on a local walk as part of their 'Our Home' topic.

The children walked to the Mews Cottages, past the Junior School and Riddings House and back through the park. This was in preparation for doing local map work in Geography and looking for clues of the Oakes family on Riddings in History.


Harvest assembly - Tuesday 26th September


What an amazing assembly we had today lead by Rev Penfold.  In the assembly we celebrated the time of year when crops have been gathered from the field and the children reflected and showed gratitude for the food that they have.

The celebration dates back a long time in British history, to when people relied on crops for food and famers would give thanks for a good harvest.

Thank you to the school community for the amazing donations collected for our local Riddings foodbank.

Amazing attendance and punctuality week - 25th-29th September


What a week of amazing attendance and punctuality with 171 heroes across school!

A special well done to Miss Kidd class who achieved 100%, well done everyone.

Remember great attendance leads to great learning and progress!


