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Welcome to Reception!

You can find out about who is who in our Reception team below as well as seeing some of the fun activities we do each term- we will add new information throughout the year so don't forget to keep visiting our website to see what Reception life is like through each term! Parents can also see lots about our day to day learning through the Tapestry learning journal (please speak to a class teacher if you have any questions about this).


There are 2 classes in Reception- Orange and Yellow Class. The children spend some time in their own classrooms but also have access to the other classroom and our outdoor area throughout the school day where they are supported in their learning by our Reception Team:


If you would like more information on EYFS please follow the link below. 

Term 1 2023-24

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

This term our focus story is We're Going on a Bear Hunt. We will be enjoying listening to, acting out and re-telling the story as well as creating our own versions too.

 Linked to the story we will also be exploring our local habitat and how this changes with the move into Autumn. Linked to this we will be finding out about the changing seasons and talking about the importance of Harvest time too.

As we settle into our new classes we are learning all about our school rule to 'be kind' as well as exploring how we are all different and all special through the Jigsaw PSED unit of Being Me.

Term 2 2023-24


This term our focus story is Stickman. We will be enjoying listening to, acting out and re-telling the story as well as creating our own versions too.

Linked to the story we will also be exploring the changing seasons from Autumn to Winter, making maps to show the journey taken by stick man and exploring art techniques and music linked to the celebrations of Diwali and Christmas- this will also link in to our British Values and our PSED focus this term of 'Celebrating Difference'.

Autumn 2 Reception Newsletter

Term 3 2023-24



This term our focus story is Goldilocks and we will also be exploring lots of different Traditional Tales and Nursery Rhymes during the term. We will be enjoying listening to, acting out and re-telling the story as well as creating our own version. We will be ending the term with an exciting Traditional Tales workshop too.

As well as our traditional tales work we will also spend time this term learning about the celebration of Chinese New Year and Christian celebrations of baptism. Our Jigsaw PSED focus this term is on 'Dreams and Goals' where we will talk about the things that we are good at, things we find tricky and how we can succeed when faced with a challenge.

Term 4 2023-24

What the Ladybird Heard

This term our focus text is 'What the Ladybird Heard and our theme is Growth and Change. We will be reading, re-telling and creating our own versions of the story as well as enjoying celebrating our love of reading on World Book Day. This term we also have Science week where we will be exploring the life cycles of plants and animals- we also have some caterpillars in class this term and are excited to see how they change too!

Our Jigsaw focus this term is 'Healthy Me' and we will explore how to keep our bodies and brains healthy, talking about the role of exercise, food, water and sleep.

Term 5 2023-24

The Way Back Home

This term our topic focuses upon Space- we will be sharing the story of The Way Back Home as well as reading lots of non-fiction books about Space, learning about planets, stars, and the history of the Space Race.

We will also be celebrating Arts week and are looking forward to our class assembly and Sport's Day events  too!

Term 6 2023-24

The Koala Who Could

This term our topic focuses upon animals and habitats. We will be sharing the story of The Koala Who Could (amongst other animal stories) as well as reading lots of non-fiction books about animals and different habitats. As part of this topic work we are looking forward to visiting White Post Farm to meet and feed some different animals. 

Our story explores how the Koala learns the wonderful things that he can do and we will be enjoying thinking about the wonderful things we have learnt to do in Reception as well as getting ready for our transition to Year 1 and thinking about what we are looking forward to learning there!


The internet can be fantastic and is full of lots of great resources like those above but it is also important to make sure that children are safe when using it. Please find attached some guidance to support you and your children in using the internet safely when accessing online learning, games and activities.


Thank you.


Below you can find some useful websites for supporting your child in their learning:

Learning from Home


Please find below some resources which may be useful if your child is learning from home- paper copies can also be requested and further activities linked to the termly topic will be shared via Tapestry as required. If learning from home please remember to check in regularly on the Doodle Maths site which has lots of ongoing activities tailored to your child's learning.

If you have any questions or need any support from school please don't hesitate to contact us via the school office on 01773 602767.
