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Pupil and Parent Voice


Pupil Voice:


How will children be involved in decisions regarding provision that will better meet their needs.

At Riddings Infant and Nursery School, we will always endeavour to include the children’s voices at each stage in the process of the assess, plan, do, review cycle for supporting pupils with SEND. This may be done through direct discussion, where relevant and appropriate, or through use of photographs, video observations and discussions with parents as well as through staff observations of children taking into account their well-being and behaviour as well as their academic progress.

One page profiles will be used to support the child in sharing important information about their wants, needs and interests and the ways in which they can best supported in all aspects of their school experience. Photos and videos from pupils learning journals on Tapestry and SeeSaw may also be used to support the sharing of the pupil’s voice.

Within the school curriculum opportunities are identified to support pupils in developing their ability to communicate their wants and needs and this is further extended through the Jigsaw PSHE curriculum used in school as well as the role of the schools Safeguarding squad, Safer Internet Squad, Playground friends and School Parliament which provide additional forums for pupils to be involved in decisions across school that impact upon them and their learning.


Parent Voice:


How will parents/carers know how their child is doing?

  • Parents have access to Tapestry in the Early Years and SeeSaw in Key Stage 1- these online learning journals allow parents to see a snapshot of the activities that their child engages with throughout each week in school. Parents can comment on and respond to posts as well as being able to share their own posts too (in Key Stage 1 pupils also receive their own login for SeeSaw to share work between home and school).
  • Progress and attainment towards the national curriculum and towards identified outcomes for pupils accessing differentiated support will be shared with parents termly through Parents evenings and the school reporting system. Additional meetings can be arranged where necessary to ensure that there is ongoing communication to ensure effective support for SEND pupils.
  • Parents are encouraged to arrange an appointment to discuss their child’s progress with the class/subject teacher or SENCo, at any time when they feel concerned or have information they feel they would like to share that could impact on their child’s success. Please contact the school office who will arrange this appointment for you. The contact number is 01773 602767
  • Where other services such as speech and language are supporting a pupil there will also be opportunities for parents/carers to speak with these professionals and any reports will be shared with both parents / carers and school in line with GDPR.


How will parents/carers be helped to support their child’s learning.

The school organises parent workshops for each year group at the beginning of each academic year. These are advertised in the school newsletter and via parent hub and aim to provide useful opportunities for parents to learn more about how to support their child’s learning.

In addition class teachers will send out termly newsletters which will include information about how you can support your child. These documents (and other key information) will be shared via Parent Hub and can also be found on the school website at . Paper copies can be requested at the school office.

Learning platforms (Tapestry for EYFS classes and SeeSaw for KS1 classes) may also be used to share activities and resources to support your child and will be the main route for sharing online learning where pupils or year groups are required to learn remotely. More information about Remote learning at Riddings Infant and Nursery School can be found here:

The class teacher or SENCo may also suggest additional ways of supporting your child’s learning and, where relevant and appropriate advice may be sought from other professionals such as Speech and Language Therapists, the inclusion support advisory service or the Educational Psychologist- this will only be done with permission from parents/ carers.

If you have ideas on support that you would like to have access to in order to further support your child’s learning, please contact the SENCo who will locate information and guidance for you in this area.


How will parents/carers be involved in discussions about and planning for their child’s education?

This will be through:

  • Discussions with the class teacher, SENCo or Head teacher,
  • During parents’ evenings,
  • Meetings with support and external agencies.
  • You can request a meeting to discuss your child’s needs at any time- please speak to your child’s class teacher or to the Head Teacher or SENCO to arrange a suitable time should you have any questions.
