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In Music, we learn to love and make music. This makes us musicians.


Characteristics of Effective Learning:
 Playing and Exploring/Engagement
 Finding out and exploring
 Playing with what they know
 Being willing to 'have a go'
 Active Learning/Motivation
 Being involved and concentrating
 Keeping trying
 Enjoying achieving what they set out to do
 Creating and Thinking Critically/Thinking
 Having their own ideas
 Making links
 Choosing ways to do things


Children will be introduced to subject specific vocabulary that a musician would use.
 Children will use subject specific vocabulary to talk like a musician.
 Children will use subject specific vocabulary and definitions that a musician would use.

Children will research, interpret and present like a musician.
 Children will learn, work and talk like a musician.

 They respect their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role play and stories.
 Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them.
 Children can express themselves effectively, showing awareness of listeners needs.
 They give attention to what others say and respond appropriately, while engaging in another activity.
  Children listen attentively in a range of situations.


Children are taught a range of musical techniques under three main music strands (performing, exploring and composing, listening, reflecting and appraising) in explicit taught sessions.
Within the three main music strands we will focus on the skills of
 Using their voices
 Using Classroom Instruments Explore and Compose
 Exploring
 Composing
Listen, Reflect and Appraise
 Listening  Appraising
Children are taught to practise, use and apply these skills independently and collaboratively throughout their learning environment.
Children develop their subject specific vocabulary (generic and content based) through explicit teaching.



Children demonstrate their understanding of key vocabulary during lesson  observations.


 To provide a Music curriculum which follows the national curriculum and is enhanced through children’s classroom experience.
 To perform, listen to, review, and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great
composers and musicians.
 To learn to sing and to use their voices.
 To create and compose music on their own and with others.
 To enhance learning opportunities through appropriate use technology.
 To understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated.
 For all children to enjoy and participate in individual and collaborative learning.
 To promote a Music curriculum which provides engagement, challenge and support for all children.
 To enable learning experiences which promote independence, co-operation.


  • Children will be introduced to subject specific vocabulary that a musician would use.
  • Children will use subject specific vocabulary to talk like a musician.
  • Children will use subject specific vocabulary and definitions that a musician would use.
  • Children will research, interpret and present like a musician.
  • Children will learn, work and talk like a musician.

  • Pupils should be taught to:
  •  Use their voices expressively and
    creatively by singing songs and speaking
    chants and rhymes.
  • Play tuned and untuned instruments
  • To listen with concentration and
    understanding to a range of high-quality
    live and recorded music.
  •  Experiment with, create, select, and
    combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.


Children are taught a range of musical techniques under the principles of three main music strands (performing, exploring and composing, listening, reflecting and appraising) in explicit taught sessions.
Within the three main music strands we will focus on the skills of:
 Using their voices
 Using Classroom Instruments Explore and Compose
 Exploring
 Composing
Listen, Reflect and Appraise
 Listening  Appraising

Children develop their subject specific vocabulary (generic and content based) through explicit teaching of vocabulary and definitions.


Children demonstrate their understanding of key vocabulary evident during lesson observations.

Our children are fortunate enough to benefit from music teaching through Musical Explorers (KS1) and Musical Gems (EYFS). 

During this time:

  • Pupils will explore a range of instruments and learn to play together as an ensemble.
  • Opportunities are given to compose and perform their own  piece of music as a whole class.
  • Movement also plays an important part of this programme as pupils work together to develop skills and starting and stopping at the same time through games and songs in preparation for them beginning to play instruments together.
  • Pupils are taught to find their singing voice and to sing with confidence once they can chant rhymes with a steady pulse.
  • They will learn use music-specific vocabulary which will set the foundations of musical learning for the rest of their life.

For more information please visit: 


Music in provision

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We have been revisiting our music learning during provision time as a Rainbow Job. Here is a video of our work in practise!

Musical Explorers

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Here we are enjoying our last Musical Explorers session - playing and singing along to our favourite Christmas song!

Music in the Community

We performed our assembly songs at the Summer Fair! Our parents and community loved watching us perform!

Music in provision

Progression Pathway
