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Polar Bear Stay in, Stay Safe

In the Summer Term we played THE POLAR BEAR STAY IN STAY SAFE GAME in all the classes. 


This is a low stress way to complete a 'stay in classrooms' drill with young children.  We told the children in assembly that we were going to play a game and pretend that a polar bear was sneaking around our school.  We made sure that the children knew that polar bears only live at Wildlife Parks in the UK.  


Later that same day, I called a 'Stay in, stay safe' following our procedures. Staff told the children to play the Polar Bear Game and they amazed us by sitting with the staff on the carpet silently for a whispered story time.  Staff closed blinds, locked doors and turned off screens so quickly. When I patrolled the school to check, the 'Stay in, stay safe' drill was performed really well, following our drill to keep children safe in case of danger on site. 


All classes won a Polar Bear Game Award and they earned a treat of extra playtime.  Well done everyone.
