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Autumn 1 - Owl Babies


We have loved our learning based on the book 'Owl Babies'. We have done so many lovely activities. We have drawn pictures of our family and created owls with feathers. We have also made an owl nest by collecting sticks, leaves and feathers. We then discovered a mummy owl had laid an egg in our nest and we even met a Barn Owl mummy in our Owl Babies workshops too!

Owl Babies Workshops

Balance Bike Workshop

Today, we have completed a balance bike workshop. We practised our balancing skills on stepping stones and a bench. We also played some games to improve our balancing. We then got to use the balance bikes and were shown how to balance, glide and use the bikes safely.

Balance Bike Sessions


We have been learning all about Diwali. We read the story of Rama and Sita which the children really enjoyed, they liked the demon king with 10 heads and 20 arms! We then watched a video of a little girl called Jessica celebrating Diwali. We noticed she was dressed in a Sari, with bright colours and gold patterns. She had decorated her house with diva lamps and her mum cooked a special dinner to celebrate. They even decorated the outside of their house with rangoli patterns. They then went to the temple to pray to their gods. After, they ate a special dinner with their family and went outside to watch the fireworks. We then celebrated Diwali ourselves by making our own rangoli patterns and diva lamps too.


This half term we are learning all about sculpture. We are exploring this through the artist Alberto Giacometti. We have explored creating sculpture with paper, foil and clay too...Take a look at some of our unique 3D sculpture work here:


We have enjoyed celebrating Christmas in school this year!

-We performed in the Christmas Nativity, playing the animals in the stable and singing a super song called 'Down in the Stable'.

-We danced with our friends on party day and even met a special visitor.

-We enjoyed our snowman day where we made lots of snowman craft and enjoyed some tasty hot chocolate too!

Spring 3 - Traditional Tales


We have loved our learning based on nursery rhymes and traditional tales this term. We have done so many lovely activities including re-telling the stories of the Gingerbread Man and The Three Billy Goats Gruff, making our own gingerbread and troll soup and enjoying National Number Day too! 

We also had lots of fun learning about Chinese New Year including joining in with a dragon dance, tasting Chinese food and making our own decorations such as lanterns too.
