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Celebrating Safeguarding

Riddings Infant and Nursery School Safeguarding Squad consists of one child from each class through out school. They play a very important role in school, working alongside the Headteacher and Safeguarding Governor.

Safeguarding Squad

Our Safeguarding Squad work alongside Mrs Farnsworth and our Chair of Governors to help keep our children safe in school. They contribute ideas and attend learning / site safety walks throughout the year.

The squad so far this year have created our Riddings Infant and Nursery School Anti-bullying leaflet which has been shared with all parents/carers and children in school. They also delivered an assembly about friendship to the rest of the school about Anti-bullying and friendship.

Our Safeguarding leaflet made by our Safeguarding Squad for our children.

In school ....

We promote our wellbeing and talk about ways to keep our minds healthy.

We talk about staying safe and being safe. 

Our safety balloons are all around school and have been made by the children to promote ways, suggested by them, for being safe inside and outside of school.

We promote kindness in everything we do.

We value and celebrate great attendance and punctuality 

We work together and have fun.

We promote good hand hygiene.

We care about each other.

We learn how to stay safe online and what to do if we are worried.

We talk about and name our trusted 5.

We learn about the rainbow lanyards.

We celebrate that we are 'All Different, All Special', alongside our British Values.

Our Kinder Values


We can talk about our safe 5 and who we can go to if we have a worry.

We use our worry monsters.

Spot our 'keeping safe' balloons all around school. Keeping safe at home, at school and in the community.

