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In Computing, we learn to explore and use technology safely as part of our daily life, this makes us confident and creative users of technology. 



In our daily lives technology can be found all around us and this plays an important role in our pupils' lives both in the present and in their future as they move on from our school to new settings and into adult life. Therefore, at Riddings Infant and Nursery School, our aim is to provide our pupils with the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge that will enable them to use technology positively, responsibly and safely following our KINDER Values in school, at home and in the wider world beyond.

We seek to provide a curriculum in which pupils are able to broaden their knowledge and skills in relation to the different aspects of computing (online safety and digital literacy, computational thinking and information technology) so that they are able to use technology to support and enhance their learning across a variety of curriculum areas learning about the role of technology in our daily life. We encourage staff to embed computing across the whole curriculum to make learning creative and accessible, supporting the developing independence of our pupils.



At Riddings Infant and Nursery our Computing Progression and Computing Vocabulary Pathways identify how each of the three strands of online safety and digital literacy, computational thinking and information technology thread throughout our curriculum in the EYFS and Key Stage 1. Class teachers use these to inform their planning in order to build on pupils' knowledge and skills year on year to deepen and challenge our learners understanding of computing and technology. This is reinforced further in our Memory Monday sessions which support pupils in retaining and revisiting key knowledge as they progress through school. Progress in our computing curriculum is demonstrated through ongoing observations and regular assessments which reflect upon the progression pathway. Staff also use our computing support document and provision maps which highlight the ways in which the computing curriculum can be planned and adapted in order to meet the needs of all pupils including those with SEND.

Computing is taught through a combination of specific lessons aimed at introducing core skills and knowledge and ongoing opportunities to develop and embed these across a variety of curriculum areas. This is also supplemented by other curriculum opportunities offered through continuous provision, assemblies, after school clubs and visitors to school (such as the Into the Screen Online Safety workshops accessed regularly by our pupils). 



We encourage our children to be active participants in the curriculum we deliver, seeking to enable them to think about both why and how we are learning new skills and knowledge so that they can recognise the ways in which computing can support their learning as they move through our school, into their next phase of education and then the wider world beyond. 

We believe equipping our pupils with the skills to safely and responsible use technology is extremely important in enabling them to maintain a healthy relationship between education and technology following the principles of British Values and our school's KINDER Values.  We encourage regular discussions between staff and pupils to best embed and understand this and our Safeguarding Squad and Safer Internet Squad play an important part in this too and curriculum monitoring shows that our pupils can talk about this with confidence too.
The way pupils share, discuss and celebrate their work shows the impact of our curriculum and examples of this can be found through ongoing observations using tools such as SeeSaw and Tapestry and our pupil voice shared regularly in curriculum monitoring  as well as highlighted within our weekly Memory Monday sessions.

Our Computing Curriculum

Road Maps

Online Safety:

Safeguarding and wellbeing are at the centre of our school values and through our computing curriculum we seek to give our pupils the important knowledge and skills to enable them to use technology safely. We recognise the importance of applying this across everything we do and our STEM team work alongside the Safeguarding Squad and School Parliament to ensure that our pupils are able to engage safely with technology both in school (across the whole curriculum) and beyond.

More information about Online Safety including some useful tips and website links can be found by clicking on the link below:


Online Safety | Riddings Infant and Nursery School

Computing At Riddings
