The aims of our policy & practice in relation to pupils with SEND and/ or disability in the school are:
- To make reasonable adjustments for those with a disability by taking action to increase access to the curriculum, the school environment and relevant information and resources which included providing the opportunity to request printed information for all.
- To provide all children with access our school community ensuring that children with SEN engage with the activities of the school alongside pupils who do not have SEN.
- To reduce barriers to progress by embedding the principles of inclusion within the EYFS and Key Stage 1.
- To ensure pupils with SEND access the curriculum with appropriate differentiation
- and to use our best endeavours to secure SEN provision for pupils for whom “additional to and different from” that provided within this differentiated curriculum ensuring that focus is given to the 4 broad areas of need:
1) Communication & Interaction
2) Cognition & Learning
3) Social, Emotional and Mental Health
4) Sensory/Physical / Medical
- To request, monitor & respond to parents/carers and children’s views in order to evidence effective provision and ongoing partnership.
- To ensure a high level of staff expertise to meet children’s needs, through well targeted CPD which will be reviewed regularly.
- To support children with medical conditions to achieve full inclusion in all school activities by ensuring consultation with health and social care professionals in order to meet the medical needs of children.
- To work in cooperative and productive partnership with the Local Authority and other outside agencies to ensure a multi-professional approach to meeting the needs of all vulnerable learners.