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Preparing children for the next step in their learning journey is very important to us at Riddings Infant and Nursery School.


Here are some ways we support as a school:


New EYFS children to school:

  • Market day – meet the teachers, discuss uniform, meet the governors, catering, attendance expectations.
  • Teachers phone every new parent.
  • Teachers in Reception visit children in current nurseries / home visits.
  • Transitional objects used to support attachment - mice.
  • Stay and play sessions
  • 3 x transition days
  • Parents meeting
  • Welcome to the EYFS meeting in the Autumn term
  • Phonics at Riddings parents meeting.


Year 2 / Year 3

  • 3 x transition days
  • Transition meetings Y2/3 teachers
  • Transition meetings SENCO / DSLs
  • Joint Wellbeing Mentor who works between the schools
  • Y2 / 3 Q&A time with current Y3 children
  • Y3 teachers visit the children in school
  • Additional weekly transition for vulnerable children
  • All Y2 Children access Summer 2 Forest School at Junior school site
  • Enhanced transition package for identified children including those with SEND needs.


General transition in school

  • 3 x transition days
  • Teachers have the opportunity to move around school and read different classes stories so the children get use to different teachers.
  • Whole school theme on internal transition ‘All about me’.
  • Drop in sessions for parents to look at classrooms and meet the new teacher.
  • Headteacher shows parents around school
  • Expectations of year group shared regularly.
  • 'Meet the teacher' meetings Autumn term
  • Key information shared for all children.
  • Curriculum books and expectations passed on to next year group.
