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Welcome to Riddings Nursery! We have enjoyed welcoming a new group of children and their families into our setting this September. We have lots of wonderful adults that are here to help the children and their families within the nursery.


We are RED Class!


Our Nursery Teacher is Mrs Holden.



Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Wagg, Mrs Hyde and Miss Hibbard. 


At dinner time we are looked after by Mrs Hyde and Mrs Smedley. 




There are 2 classes in Nursery. We have a morning class and an afternoon class. We also have a small group of children who attend both. 


If you would like more information about EYFS then please follow the link below.



Summer Term 2 - 2024

It is so sad to think that this is our last half term together! During this half term, we are going to take part in lots of learning based around the story 'Stuck' by Oliver Jeffers. 

We will be completing lots of Drawing Club activities and working really hard to write our names independently. We will also be doing lots of work around transition this half term and preparing the children for starting school. 

To find out more about what we will be doing this half term, click on the Summer 2 document below. 

Summer Term 1 - 2024

This half term we are going to be doing lots of learning around the book 'Handa's Surprise'. We will also be reading the books: Handa's Hen and Handa's Noisy Night. We will be completing Drawing Club weekly and I am excited to see which magic codes the children will imagine this half term. 

In our Understanding of the World lessons we will be learning all about life cycles. We will be learning the life cycle of a chick and we are lucky enough to have eggs and an incubator in our nursery this half term. We will also have frog spawn in nursery. We are excited to learn all about the chicks and froglets. 

In our art lesson, we will be learning all about Alma Thomas and Yayoi Kusama. We will be working on our painting skills and using bright colours to create our own art pieces. 

In P.E. this half term we will be taking part in dance lessons. I cannot wait to see what the children achieve during this, they have already wowed us with their P.E. skills so far! The children will also be taking part in Sports Day this half term. 

We have a very exciting and busy half term ahead!

Spring Term 2 - 2024

This half term is all about 'Growing'! We will be looking at the book Jasper's Beanstalk and using this to inspire our learning. We will have a big focus on Understanding of the World and we will be planting our own beans and watching them grow over time; this will link with the Science Weeks focus which is 'Time'. We will also look at the story The Enormous Turnip and One Springy Day. We hope to make soup during our Enormous Turnip focus and look out for signs of Spring during our One Springy Day story. 

We will also take part in some art lessons and we will be using different pieces of art to inspire our learning. We will be completing some observational drawings of Snowdrops and Sunflowers, as well as a piece of art inspired be the piece 'The Girl with the Watering Can'. 

To finish our learning, we will spend a week learning all about the celebration of Easter and The Easter Story. We will take part in lots of Easter activities during this time. 

We will continue to take part in Scribble Club, Drawing Club and Dough Disco. We will also be continuing with phonics and working hard on recognising our own name and attempting to write it too. 

Spring Term 1 - 2024

I am so excited for this half term! Our book focus is 'The Gingerbread Man' and we will be doing lots of learning around this topic. We have lots of exciting hooks planned and it is one of my favourite topics to get excited about and learn lots of wonderful things!

During this half term, we will be introducing Drawing Club which is an engaging way to get children to want to draw and write and I cannot wait to see the magic codes that the children invent. 

We will also be learning all about the artists Kandinsky and completing lots of circles work, linked to out Maths focus. 

In Maths, we will be looking at shapes and their properties, as well as pattern and numbers 1-5. 

Another very busy half term ahead! 

Autumn Term 2 - 2023

We have a very busy half term ahead of us! This half term with be learning all about Diwali and Christmas and celebrating Friendship Week. We will also be doing lots of activities based on our focus text 'The Train Ride' as well as other stories linked to this story. During this half term, we will be having big art focus and we will be exploring the artist Alberto Giacometti, he was a famous sculptor. We will be looking at different techniques that we can use to create our own sculptures, we will learn how to handle different malleable materials. This will help us develop our artistic skills but is also great for our developing finger muscles! We hope to take part in an art day to finish our art topic. We will invite Mrs. Farnsworth to this to showcase our learning and all of the wonderful skills and knowledge we have developed during our art sessions.
We are going to explore the story of Rama and Sita during our learning on Diwali and will be learning the Christmas Story during our learning on Christmas.
As we get closer to Christmas, we will also take part in lots of Christmas activities and we hope to have a special Polar Express day on the final day of a VERY busy half term.

Autumn Term 1 - 2023

Our book this half term is ‘Owl Babies’



This half term we will focus on the children settling into their new setting, establishing routines and making new friends. We will take part in a lot of play based learning with communication and language and personal, social and emotional skills as our focus. We will spend lots of time getting to know the children in our care and their families. 


As we settle into nursery, we will start our focus book Owl Babies. This book will allow us to explore families and give the children the opportunity to share information about their families with us. We will take part in lots of story telling, role play, small world and craft activities. 
