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In PSHE, we learn to manage our behaviour, develop good relationships with others and learn how to look after our own wellbeing. This makes us good citizens. 

PSHE aims to help children know and value who they are and how they relate to other people in the ever-changing world around them. PSHE underpins our whole curriculum at Riddings Infant and Nursery School as well as supports our school's Vision and Values. 



At Riddings Infant and Nursery School we want to provide our pupils with a nurturing learning environment and a PSHE curriculum that prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life, in order to reach their full potential as individuals, within the community and the wider world we live in. PSHE plays an essnetial role in the development of the children's Cultural Capital. We follow the Jigsaw PSHE programme and this equips all pupils with the relevant and meaningful content to become good citizens of the future. This programme is supported through a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience, and nurturing physical and mental health. The PSHE curriculum perfectly connects Personal, Social and Health Education with moral, intellectual and spiritual development. Our curriculum in PSHE is further enhanced by other local, national and global activities and events which occur during the year e.g. World Mental Health Day or fundraising for Children in Need and Comic Relief. These events amongst others raise the children's awareness of current events and issues that other children and young people around the world may be experiencing. 




The principles of Jigsaw are embedded within our school and threaded through our curriculum and school day. They fully support and enhance our school KINDER values and British Values. Where possible, our PSHE topics are linked to other curriculum areas, but the children are aware when they are learning aspects of PSHE and how it is woven into everything we do. Jigsaw Puzzles (units of work) are launched with a whole-school assembly, with each year group studying the same Jigsaw Puzzle at the same time (at their own level). These build sequentially through the school year, facilitating whole-school learning themes. There is a clear progression of skills and knowledge from one year group to the next. Every Jigsaw piece (lesson) has two learning intentions, one specific to PSHE  and the other designed to develop emotional literacy and social skills. The children are exposed to and learn progressive vocabulary in PSHE lessons and in school generally so that they can have the appropriate words to express their views, opinions and feelings. The curriculum is adapted when necessary to meet the needs of all our children, including those with SEND or with additional emotional needs  through the use of additional resources, time, differentiated outcomes and the level of support needed to ensure thay make the best progess they are able to make. Formative self-assessment is used throughout the lessons allowing the children to evaluate thier own learning by promoting self reflection and helping them to become more independendent learners. Summative assessments are carried out at the end of each puzzle (topic) by the class teacher. This enables teachers and leaders to see what children know, what they have learnt and the skills they have developed. Progression and coverage are monitored closely to ensure continuation from EYFS to Year Two. The use of our Learning Journey walls celebrate the work undertaken in PSHE and its value within our curriculum. The children have the opportunity to revisit and remember key facts and vocabulary in our Memory Monday sessions.  The skills and knowledge taught in PSHE is further developed  and reinforced through our continous and enhanced provision opportinities in school. 





Our children recognise that they belong to our school community and a wider community. They are encouraged to become active members of our school community, valuing others, and being valued as individuals. Children become more emotionally aware and resilient, and have a greater understanding of who they are and their place in the world. They develop the vocabulary to begin to communicate this and discuss their feelings, and recognise their emotions. Children can apply these communication skills to all aspects of their life. Our children leave us equipped with the skills to enable them to adapt, grow and be active citizens within an ever-changing world and are prepared for thier next stage in education. They will be able to apply strategies to look after their mental health and wellbeing. Our monitoring is PSHE shows that the children enjoy Our Jigsaw lessons and the other PSHE opportunites around school and feel the skills and knowledge taught to them help them develop as individuals. 

At Riddings Infant and Nursery School, we have chosen to use the Jigsaw mindfulness scheme to teach PSHE. This is a comprehensive whole school approach for PSHE including statutory Relationships and Health Education. It is a fully planned progressive scheme of work, giving the children relevant learning experiences to help them understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world and encouraging them to set simple goals for themselves to manage their own behaviour as well as develop resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. We have chosen this approach as it has a strong emphasis on emotional literacy and social skills, building safe, healthy and successful relationships. 

Through the scheme we teach mindfulness, this is an awareness of our thoughts and feelings as they happen and helps us focus our minds on what we choose to focus on rather than all the other things happening around us. 


Children who have been taught this approach can more readily choose how to respond to situations rather than just react, helping them make good behaviour choices, concentrate on their work and lessen stress and anxiety.


We believe that effective RSE is essential to enable our children to make responsible and well-informed decisions about their lives. These lessons are not delivered in isolation but are firmly rooted in our PSHE curriculum through Jigsaw. The aim of RSE is to help and support children through their physical, emotional and moral development. 


The children are enabled to develop the vocabulary and confidence needed to clearly articulate their thoughts and feelings in a climate of openness, trust and respect, and know when and how they can seek support from others. They will apply their understanding to their interactions with each other, small groups, the whole class and to the wider community of which they are a part. 

Class Charter

The impact of our PSHE teaching is evident in school life as a whole - in the children's good behaviour, their attitudes to learning and their respect, care and understanding for and of each other. 

Be Kind


At Riddings Infant and Nursery School we have one school rule, Be Kind. The Jigsaw PSHE helps promote and reinforce this very important message through learning in lessons and assemblies. 

Our Kinder Values

British Values


The Jigsaw scheme supports the teaching of British values and these themes are woven throughout the lessons.

One of the key aspects of Jigsaw is how we enable and teach children to have respectful discussions on even sensitive subjects in the classroom by providing a safe learning environment. The children are able to build on previous knowledge and skills to develop their ability to listen to other respectfully, debate other people’s views respectfully and consider ways that we can be accepting of those who may be different to ourselves. This is of course a key aspect of teaching children about Mutual Respect as well as Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs as these aspects will at times be part of these discussions.


The Puzzles and what children learn


Being Me in My World covers a range of topics, including belonging, welcoming others, and being part of the school community and the wider world community. It also looks at the children's rights and responsibilities, working and playing with others and developing their pupil voice. 


Celebrating Difference focuses on similarities and differences and teaches about diversity such as disability, racism, friendships and conflict. Children learn to accept everyone's right to 'difference' which fits with our whole message of 'All different, all special'. Some year groups explore the concept of 'bullying' - what it is and what it isn't.


Dreams and Goals aims to help children think about their hopes and dreams, their goals for success, what personal strengths are and how to overcome challenges using teamwork skills and tasks. 


Healthy Me covers two main areas of health: emotional health (relaxation, being safe, friendships, mental health) and physical health (eating a balanced diet, physical activity, rest, keeping clean, being safe) in order for children to learn that health is a very broad subject. 


Relationships look at families, friendships and animals. A key part of this puzzle is about safeguarding and keeping children safe which links to Internet safety.  It also looks at stereotypes. 


Changing Me deals with change of many types, from growing from young to old, looking ahead, moving year groups or the transition to a new school. This puzzle links with the Science curriculum teaching about life cycles and how our body changes. 

The following documents outline the knowledge and skills that are taught in each JIgsaw PIece. There is also a section on Family Learning which gives question suggestions you may want to use at home to talk about these topics with your child. The vocabulary used in each piece is also included

Being Me in My World


This is our first jigsaw piece of the year. In these lessons, we learn about being a valuable member of our class and how we can all help to make our classrooms great places to learn and play. At the end of the jigsaw piece, we will have created our Riddings School Learning Charter. 

Nursery - Being Me in My World

Reception - Being Me in My World

Year 1 - Being Me in My World

Year 2 - Being Me in My World

Celebrating Difference


This is the second Jigsaw puzzle piece of the year. All the year groups learn about how differences make us all unique and special. We celebrate diversity and everyone's right to be different. Some year group explore bullying and explain what bullying is and what it isn't. 

Nursery - Celebrating Difference

Reception - Celebrating Difference

Year 1 - Celebrating Difference

Year 2 - Celebrating Difference

Dreams and Goals


Our third puzzle of the school year is Dreams and Goals. This puzzle is all about setting goals and completing challenges to achieve success. The children learn about the need to persevere and how to overcome obstacles to succeed.





Relationships and Sex Education


An important part of the Jigsaw PSHE programme is delivered through the 'Relationships' and 'Changing Me' puzzle pieces which are covered in the Summer Term.


There are four main aims of teaching RSE:

  • To enable children to understand and respect their bodies
  • To help children develop positive and healthy relationships appropriate to their age and development
  • To support children to have positive self-esteem and body image
  • To empower them to be safe and safeguarded.


Each year group will be taught appropriate to their age and developmental stage. At no point will a child be taught something that is inappropriate and if a question from a child arises and the teacher feels it would be inappropriate to answer (for example, because of its mature or explicit nature), this information will be shared with you by your child's class teacher. 


Below is a summary of RSE coverage within the Jigsaw scheme for each year group:

EYFS - Growing up, how we have changed since we were babies

Year 1 - Boys' and girls' bodies, naming body parts

Year 2 - Boys' and girls' bodies, body parts and respecting privacy (which parts of the body are private and why this is). 


The issue of privacy is reinforced using the NSPCC resources - The Pants Rules and the character Pantosaurus.


The correct terminology for body parts is introduced early to normalise this biological vocabulary and to support safeguarding. These words are not used in isolation but always in conjunction the teaching the children that these are the private parts of their bodies. 

RSE at Riddings Infant and Nursery School - Parents Meeting 2023




Derbyshire BERT Award information for parents

Nursery's Kindness Week

During Kindness Week, we talked about how we can be kind and a good friend to others. We worked hard to show acts of kindness all week and if a grown-up noticed us we got to take a kindness ticket home. We have also created a kindness card, worked as a team to build towers and created kindness masks. 
