How accessible is the school environment?
- The school has and disabled parking spot marked and located close to the school reception
- The hall and classrooms are accessible by both adult and child sized wheelchairs.
- Two toilets have been adapted to ensure accessibility for visitors with a disability.
- The main adult toilet has hand rails fitted.
- More information can be found in our Accessibility Plan which describes the actions the school has taken to increase access to the environment, the curriculum and printed information and is available via the school office.
- Where appropriate staff have undertaken training through the moving and handling service and this can be revisited and adapted as appropriate to meet the needs of individual pupils
We aim for our school site and all provision and events to be accessible to all pupils, staff, parents, carers, approved visitors and governors. We monitor this via an audit any special requirements our community may have on entry and every three years thereafter.
In response to this audit, an action plan called the Accessibility Plan, is put in place to ensure we address any issues which prevent our community from accessing areas or events. It is reviewed by Governors annually. You can access our Accessibility Plan here:
If you experience any problems with access to Riddings Infant and Nursery School, please contact Mrs Farnsworth, HeadTeacher urgently via the school office, on 01773 602767 or at this email address
Pupils with medical needs (statutory duty under the Children and Families Act).
- Children with medical needs will be provided with a detailed Individual Health & Care Plan, compiled in partnership with school, parents/carers and medical practitioners as appropriate.
- Staff who volunteer to administer and supervise medications, will complete formal training and be verified by medical practitioners as being competent.
- All medicine administration procedures are guided by LA Policy and DfE Guidelines included within Supporting Pupils with at Schools with Medical Conditions (DfE) 2014 and identified in the school’s Administration of Medicines Policy.
What specialist services are available at the school?
The school has access to a range of specialist support; Educational Psychologist, specialist teachers, Health Visitor, Speech and Language Therapists as well as its own Family Support Worker, Pastoral Lead and Wellbeing Mentor. Where appropriate the school staff will undertake additional training accessed through these services in order to extend their skills and knowledge in relation to advice from other professionals.
Advice will be sought from external agencies regarding strategies to best meet the specific needs of a pupil. This will only be undertaken after parental permission has been obtained and may include referral to:
- Our Early Help Offer- you can find out more about this here: Family Wellbeing / School Early Help | Riddings Infant and Nursery School (
- The Family Support Worker and Wellbeing Mentor.
- Specialists in other schools e.g. teaching schools, special schools, schools within our SENCO clusters.
- the inclusion advisory service
- Hearing Impairment team
- Visual Impairment team
- Educational Psychologist Service
- Educational Welfare Officers
- Physical and Disability Support Service
- Social Services
- School Nurse
- Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service
How will my child be included in activities outside the school including school trips?
- The school ensures it has sufficient staff expertise to ensure that no child with SEND is excluded from any school provided activity and will discuss appropriate support and adaptations with parents/ carers to enable their child to access the broader curriculum with their peers.
- Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate in all school activities. These risk assessments are in line with Government guidance regarding educational visits and follow the systems established by the Local Authority School Visits Service.