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Sports Premium Funding

Sports Funding


What is Sports Development Funding?

The government want to develop an enjoyment of sport and physical activity, and promote a healthy lifestyle in children from an early age in schools. To support this, every state funded school with primary aged pupils will receive an allocation of Sports Development Funding ring fenced for sport and physical education. Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils receive £16000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil.


 Use and impact of the Sports Development Funding

We use the additional funding to ensure that the children have a wide range of experiences within our PE and physical activity offer, ensure high quality equipment is available for all aspects and provide training opportunities for staff to improve the delivery of the variety of activities in the future.


School Sports Premium Funding is available in all primary schools across the country. This funding is there to enhance PE and Sport in school. As a school, each year we complete an evaluation of how the money has been spent, and in turn, has impacted positively on PE and Sport in our school. There are five key areas that we monitor to do with PE and Sport in school. After our annual review, any areas identified that we feel could be improved further are then added to our yearly action plan, outlining ways in which we intend to address this. The Sport Premium Funding is fundamental in ensuring we continue to improve our facilities in school. 


Amber Valley School Sports Partnership

Riddings Infant and Nursery School is affiliated to Amber Valley School Sport Partnership who provide a range of services and opportunities to support the school’s delivery of PE, School Sport and Physical Activity.


Through our affiliation we are able to access PE planning resources for each year group themed around 6 different sports. The plans are high quality and easy to follow allowing for staff to plan lessons to suit our school’s facilities and students. Each lesson includes fun, progressive activities from an effective warm-up to a competitive activity with the chance to differentiate learning to support students at all levels of their learning.


Lessons also include technical and tactical teaching points allowing staff to challenge students in a variety of ways. The PE lesson planning we use also includes a PE assessment tracker giving staff the chance to efficiently assess students as Emerging, Expected or Exceeding from a physical, social and emotional standpoint.


Our affiliation package also includes a large number of Inter-school events & competitions in a wide variety of sports. These events are categorised to encourage as many students as possible to represent their school throughout a given year and to help our staff select appropriate students to take part. Our students love taking part in these events and are always really excited to represent their school!


Through our affiliation we are also able to access Bikeability training which gives many of our students a chance to learn a vital life skill and increase their confidence on their bike as well as work towards earning their certificate!


Riddings also accesses various activity resources to implement in school, the most useful of which is the Mini Leaders or ‘Playground Friends’ resource. This, along with CPD training and the annual student conference, helps to put in place a culture of junior leadership during lunchtime and throughout the school day. This sees students leading their peers, providing further opportunities for pupils to be active.


Through our work with Amber Valley School Sport Partnership our staff enjoy regular staff CPD and best practice sharing, support with PE assessment and data collection, assistance with running intra-school competitions and sports days and even guidance when applying for awards and accreditation giving the school chance to help our students become more active and achieve accreditation based on our good work.


Here at Riddings Infant and Nursery School we try to encourage our pupils to stay active while outside of school hours. We do this by promoting local clubs, activity hubs and leisure providers through various methods including assemblies, fliers, facility usage and extra-curricular links. To encourage pupils to stay active over the holidays we also actively promote Amber Valley SSP’s Holiday Sports Camps which take place at local leisure centres and offer low cost, high quality sports activities for all pupils. These camps can also be subsidised by the school through Sport Premium or Pupil Premium funding to allow students most in need to attend.


Coaching Programme

To support the delivery of PE, Riddings Infant and Nursery School accesses Amber Valley School Sport Partnership’s Coaching programme to bring in a PE & School Sport specialist to lead our PE. Mrs Mitchell is a specialist in PE and sport holding Level 2 sports coaching qualifications and various other awards and works alongside our schools teaching staff to deliver high quality PE lessons to the whole school. This team teaching not only allows the children to have a great experience of PE but also allows our staff to learn new ideas and become more confident in teaching PE themselves improving the quality of lessons and extra-curricular provision across the school. Utilising a sports specialist also allows our school to host structured, high quality after-school and lunchtime clubs in a range of exciting sports such as Boxercise, Tag Rugby, Dodgeball, Football and more.



We are able to offer a wide variety of clubs throughout the school year. Year 1 and 2 children are able to access clubs from the Autumn term and Reception are able to access from the Summer term. 


AVSSP have a huge range of sporting events and competitions throughout the year. These are so important as they give our children the opportunity to compete with and against pupils from other schools in Amber Valley. 


Please click the attached documents below to find out how our funding has been spent for the previous academic year, and find our action plan, outlining our plans for the current academic year. 

Riddings Infant & Nursery School Sports Premium Action Plan 2023-2024

Riddings Infant & Nursery School Sports Premium Action Plan 2022-2023

Riddings Infant & Nursery School Sports Premium Action Plan 2021-2022

Riddings Infant & Nursery School Sports Premium Action Plan 2020-2021
