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What should a parent/carer do if they think their child may have Special Educational Needs?

  • If parents have concerns relating to their child’s learning, then please initially discuss these with your child’s teacher. This then may result in a referral to the school SENCo whose name is Lisa Kamillo and who can be contacted via the school office on 01773 602767. An initial discussion will be an opportunity to share your questions and concerns and will be the starting point to put together a plan including next steps to best support your child.
  • Our Named Governor for SEND is Charlene Boucher and she can also be contacted via the school office on the above telephone number.
  • Parents may also contact the SENCo or the Headteacher directly if they feel this is more appropriate.
  • All parents will be listened to. Their views and their aspirations for their child as well as the views of the child themselves will be central to the assessment and provision that is given by the school.
  • The school works in partnership with support services, advice and guidance offered through Derbyshire County Council’s SEND Team and the Local Offer- you can find more information about this here:
  • Parents/ Carer's can also access support through DIASS (the Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service for SEND), more information about this service, including contact details, can be found here:
  • Our school Family Support Worker Rachel Christian is also available to offer support and advice and works alongside our Pastoral Lead Kerry Bartlett. The school has also appointed a wellbeing mentor who works with both the Infant and Junior School- Fiona Fox. These can all be contacted via the school office on 01773 602767.
